Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who am I?

A: I’m a non-binary student of English Literature and Creative Writing from the UK. I’ve been writing poems for the past year now and have taken a keen interest in Creative Writing for a large chunk of my life, going back to Primary School.

Q: Why do I write?

A: Writing to me is one of the most accessible methods of expressing oneself, whether that’s their ideals, their identity, their experiences or anything else, I think it’s perfect and suits me fairly well.

Q: Why are poems of such interest?

A: I see poems very similarly to writing in general, however I find that they’re better than stories. Within eight lines or even less, a poem can tell a story. It could be based on real events, it could be a satire on politics, or it could be a depiction of something beautiful. They’re great, and deserve way more respect!

Q: Why do I post pictures alongside my poems?

A: Short answer, I like to share any nice images I’ve taken either on holiday or in my hometown. Long answer, it’s like a break from the emotions provided through my poetry. If something is stressful, or makes the audience react in a certain way, an image of something natural may provide a sense of relief.